EdPad is very simple text editor. It was primarily designed to to create batch files, but it can also highlight Python and HTML. Everything is fully functional, but it hasn´t been ever released, because highlight system doesn’t work all the time and we don´t have enough commands in our collection to be used as main programming editor. Project EdPad started and ended in 2018 and was created by Ed with some community help of actual members of EdProduction (EdProduction didn’t exist at that time).

EdArena is an Arena based game where player has to protect his side of castle every round to survive. The original game was made for competition and EdArena was first project where EdProduction was introduced as creator of the game. However, EdProduction was just Ed at this time and the actual members of EdProduction were testers, so Ed said the project wasn’t made just by him, but there was also community behind it and that all these people together are called EdProduction. EdArena evolved from a simple small arena game into good looking castle 2D shooting game with a big variety of different monsters and upgrades for player. Project EdArena started in 2019 and is still in.

EdProduction Simulator
EdProduction Simulator is a game created for national competition in Slovakia (the game is in Slovak). It´s about starting EdProduction from nothing, so it is necessary to get money even to found the company. The game is not about reality, because EdProduction was created by Ed and not by Cube (game designer). There are lots of references to names of members of EdProduction. Project started at the time of the competition in 2019 and there is big probability that it’s going to be remade and published. The competition version is available on this website.

Astro is a very simple game where the player tries to survive as long as possible. At the time, a mouse is the only thing required to play my game, but that may change in the future. Since this is but a public demo, I only wanted to see people's sentiments towards it and I'll continue the development soon. This version is completely free and donations aren't necessary for the time being. I just want you to enjoy my game, have a fun time, maybe tell me what needs tinkering. Also, you can fetch my other games at edproduction.dev